Kloostri observation tower

The Kloostri observation tower, which stands 16 metres tall and has two viewing platforms, is located on the Kasari River banks. From here, you may take in the breathtaking view of Matsalu’s open flood-meadow. For bird enthusiasts, the Kloostri observation tower is especially exciting during the spring floods. During spring floods, thousands of geese and ducks gather on the flood-meadow. The Kloostri observation tower is also very good for observing birds of prey hunting.

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Northern lapwing

Back Northern lapwing https://linnuriik.ee/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Kiivitaja-Kauro-Kuik-1024×683.jpg Keemu linnud https://linnuriik.ee/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/kiivitaja_salvestusVRunnel.mp3 Photo: Kauro Kuik Tutvustus lad. Vanellus vanellus (L.) Estonian Kiivitaja Also known as: peewit or pewit, tuit or tewit, green plover Status in Estonia Breeding and migratory bird. Description The Northern lapwing is a pigeon-sized wader with a stout body and a unique long thin tuft on its…