Eurasian oystercatcher

Eurasian oystercatcher

The Eurasian oystercatcher is a common breeding and migratory bird in the coastal areas of Lääne County. In Matsalu, they can be seen in Haeska, Keemu, Põgari and Cape Puise. During spring and summer, they can be seen on Vasikaholmi beach in Haapsalu and in Cape Põõsaspea near Noarootsi.
The best time to observe Eurasian oystercatchers migrating is between April and August at Cape Põõsaspea.

White-tailed eagle

White-tailed eagle

The sea eagle is a bird of prey that is difficult to stay away from before leaving Matsalu or Haapsalu Bay. When you arrive at the bay and look at the larger rocks, you are likely to see a sea eagle sitting on one of them. In Matsalu, white-tailed eagles are commonly observed in Haeska, Keemu and Põgari as well as Haapsalu’s Tagalaht Bay and Saunja Bay inside the Silma Nature Reserve.
In winter, when the inner bays freeze, wintering white-tailed eagles in Lääne County head to coastal areas with open water and resting waterfowl.

Barn swallow

Barn swallow

The barn swallow is a common and widespread breeding and migratory bird in Lääne County. In Matsalu National Park, they nest near farms and old boathouses. Barn swallows nest most commonly around cattle barns.
Barn swallows flock together in the evenings at the end of the summer to spend the night in the reed beds of Matsalu and Haapsalu bays. Thousands of individuals can sit on the reeds before dusk. In September, our national bird can be seen migrating, and the best view is on Cape Puise.

Red-backed shrike

Red-backed shrike

The red-backed shrike is a common breeding bird in Lääne County. It can be found both in farmland with shrubs and in coastal juniper patches. Red-backed shrikes can be spotted in a variety of locations in Matsalu. They nest in large numbers on the Puise Peninsula, where the birds can be seen nesting in the roadside shrubs.

European herring gull

European herring gull

The European herring gull is a common breeding and migratory bird in Lääne County. Wintering birds flock largely around ports, particularly in Port Dirhami.
European herring gulls are more common in Matsalu, particularly around small sea islands where they can breed. Therefore, they are most visible in Cape Puise and Port Keemu. However, these birds don’t go unnoticed at other coastal observation locations in the county.

Common gull

Common gull

The common gull is a common breeding and migratory bird in Lääne County. Wintering birds follow fishing vessels across the open sea and frequently rest in Port Dirhami.
Common gulls breed primarily on sea islands in Matsalu National Park, although several birds have found suitable nesting sites on the thatched roofs of old farm buildings or boathouses. One of the largest herring gull colonies is found in Kakrarahu, near Cape Puise. Since the 1970s, extensive studies of common gulls have been conducted there. That is why you may notice a white plastic ring with black letters around the leg of many common gulls in Matsalu. Those birds are from the Kakrarahu breeding colony.

Great black-backed gull

Great black-backed gull

The great black-backed gull is a common seagull species along the shore of Lääne County, but relatively uncommon here compared to rest of the world. Great black-backed gulls can be found on the seashore, inland bays and coastal lakes. In Matsalu National Park, they can be found at Keemu and Puise ports as well as Haeska and Põgari-Sassi. Great black-backed gulls are also common in Haapsalu and the Noarootsi region.
They often sit on large rocks, where they can be observed for a long time.

Black-headed gull

Black-headed gull

The black-headed gull is a very common breeding and migratory bird in Lääne County but an uncommon winterer. Black-headed gulls nest in huge flocks along the shores of Lääne County. The county’s largest breeding colony, with over a thousand nests, is found on the banks of Haapsalu Eeslaht Bay.
Cape Põõsaspea offers the best view of the black-headed gull migration.

Savi’s warbler

Savi’s warbler

Savi’s warbler is a common but relatively local reed warbler in Lääne County. The species’ primary breeding grounds are Matsalu National Park (about 3000 pairs) and Silma Nature Reserve (300–500 pairs), where it thrives in mosaic reed habitats that grow in water. The chirping of Savi’s warbler is extremely loud at dusk. The best time to hear their song is between late April and mid-June. The greatest spots to listen to birds in Matsalu are Port Kiideva, the mouth of the Kasari River and the Sutlepa Sea observation towers near Noarootsi.



The smew is an uncommon migratory and wintering bird in Lääne County. The majority of spring migration occurs between mid-March and early May, followed by autumn migration in October and November. Smews who rest on their journey prefer to feed in inner bays and, to some extent, bigger lakes. In Matsalu, the smew is most likely to be seen from the Haeska or Keemu birdwatching towers. They are also visible from the Haapsalu Promenade and the Saunja Bay observation towers. The majority of wintering smew are found along the northern coast of Vormsi.