Eurasian teal

Eurasian teal

The Eurasian teal is an uncommon breeding bird and a common migratory bird in Lääne County. Eurasian teals can be seen in numerous locations near Matsalu and Haapsalu bays. Eurasian teals that stop on their migration frequently stop at water puddles on the beach meadows.

Eurasian teals gather in large numbers on Haeska’s coast during the spring and autumn. They are also frequently seen stopping in Tahu Bay in Noarootsi.

Nesting Eurasian teals can be found on the beach meadows of Matsalu and Noarootsi. They also breed in small numbers near the ponds of the Marimetsa Bog in Lääne County.

Eurasian wigeon

Eurasian wigeon

The Eurasian wigeon is a common migratory bird in Lääne County; however, they don’t breed here. Matsalu and Haapsalu bays have by far the most numerous dabbling ducks in spring and autumn. In the spring, Eurasian wigeons enjoy stopping at Matsalu’s flooded-meadows.

The largest migratory flocks of Eurasian wigeons can be seen from the Haeska birdwatching tower. In the autumn, thousands of Eurasian wigeons stop in Haapsalu’s Tagalaht Bay and may be seen from the Haapsalu beach promenade.

Eurasian bittern

Eurasian bittern

The Eurasian bittern inhabits reed beds that grow in shallow sea bays and larger lakes in Lääne County. The majority of Eurasian bitterns breed in the reed beds of Matsalu’s inner bay (approximately 25 pairs) and the Silma Nature Reserve (up to 10 pairs).

As a reed-dwelling bird, they are rarely seen, but they are vocal in the spring, from March to May. Their call, similar to blowing into a bottle, can be heard in Matsalu, including on the Penijõe hiking trail and the Silma Nature Reserve near Saunja Bay and the Sutlepa Sea. Eurasian bitterns vocalize most actively in the morning and in the evening.

Eurasian coot

Eurasian coot

The Eurasian coot is a common migratory and breeding bird in Lääne County. During migration, Eurasian coots gather in dense flocks of thousands at Matsalu and Haapsalu bays.
Eurasian coots are good to observe in Haapsalu by Tagalaht and in Saunja Bay. They also make frequent stops at Matsalu’s inner bay, where the Keemu observation tower provides the best views.
Eurasian coots nest in reed beds along inland bays and lakes.

Eurasian oystercatcher

Eurasian oystercatcher

The Eurasian oystercatcher is a common breeding and migratory bird in the coastal areas of Lääne County. In Matsalu, they can be seen in Haeska, Keemu, Põgari and Cape Puise. During spring and summer, they can be seen on Vasikaholmi beach in Haapsalu and in Cape Põõsaspea near Noarootsi.
The best time to observe Eurasian oystercatchers migrating is between April and August at Cape Põõsaspea.

European herring gull

European herring gull

The European herring gull is a common breeding and migratory bird in Lääne County. Wintering birds flock largely around ports, particularly in Port Dirhami.
European herring gulls are more common in Matsalu, particularly around small sea islands where they can breed. Therefore, they are most visible in Cape Puise and Port Keemu. However, these birds don’t go unnoticed at other coastal observation locations in the county.

Eurasian curlew

Eurasian curlew

The Eurasian curlew is an uncommon breeding and migratory bird in Lääne County. This nesting species is unfortunately declining in Lääne County. They have also been found nesting in cultivated grasslands and meadows. A few pairs also live in our bogs. Eurasian curlews that stop throughout their migration frequently eat on beach meadows.
In Matsalu, you can often see the Eurasian curlew at Haeska, Põgari and Rannajõe and on the Penijõe hiking trail. Cape Põõsaspea offers the best view of Eurasian curlew migrations in the spring and autumn.