

The ruff is a common migratory bird on the coast of Lääne County. Few ruffs nest in Matsalu’s flood-meadows and beach meadows.

The ideal time to see ruffs is between the end of April and the beginning of May, when hundreds of ruffs gather on the beach meadows of Matsalu National Park and Silma Nature Reserve. In Matsalu, the best spots to see the ruff are Haeska and Tahu beach meadow in Noarootsi.

Ringed plover

Ringed plover

The ringed plover is a very common migratory bird and a common breeding bird along the coast of Lääne County. Matsalu National Park’s low-grass beach meadows provide an important nesting habitat for these birds. Ringed plovers can be found in a variety of locations within Matsalu National Park between March and October. The observation towers at Keemu and Haeska as well as the parking area of the Põgari-Sassi bus stop provide good viewing opportunities. Ringed plovers are most commonly observed at Põgari-Sassi beach meadow and Riguldi Beach in Noarootsi during their migration.

Red-backed shrike

Red-backed shrike

The red-backed shrike is a common breeding bird in Lääne County. It can be found both in farmland with shrubs and in coastal juniper patches. Red-backed shrikes can be spotted in a variety of locations in Matsalu. They nest in large numbers on the Puise Peninsula, where the birds can be seen nesting in the roadside shrubs.

Red-breasted merganser

Red-breasted merganser

The red-breasted merganser is a common migratory bird and an uncommon breeding bird on the coast of Lääne County. This species is primarily found on the sea coast; it rarely occurs in inland bays. In Matsalu, the red-breasted mergansers are most visible on Cape Puise. Several pairs of red-breasted mergansers nest in the islets surrounding the Puise Peninsula (for example, Kakrarahu).
Red-breasted mergansers are best observed on Cape Põõsaspea. You can also observe their migration there at the end of summer and in autumn.