White stork

White stork

The white stork is a common breeding bird in Lääne County. Only a few of these birds may be found in the county’s northern region, where extensive wetlands and large forested areas are unsuited for nesting. They also avoid nesting on peninsulas that reach far into the sea.
In Matsalu National Park, white storks are more common in the villages and communities around the bay’s southern side. They frequently make their nests on electric poles or the chimneys of old buildings. When the hay is cut in the flood-meadow in the middle of the summer, dozens of white storks gather to eat there.

Western marsh harrier

Western marsh harrier

The Western marsh harrier is common everywhere in Lääne County, where there are reed beds ideal for nesting. It breeds most commonly around Matsalu Bay and in the Silma Nature Reserve.
In Matsalu National Park, the Western marsh harrier is frequently spotted from Keemu, Suitsu and Haeska observation towers. It is also good to observe the Western marsh harrier from the observation towers near the Sutlepa Sea.

Whooper swan

Whooper swan

The whooper swan is an uncommon breeding and a common migratory bird in Lääne County. The whooper swan stops most frequently in Matsalu and Haapsalu bays during spring and autumn. During early spring, while the inner bays are still partially frozen, loud whooper swans frequently visit the fields to graze.
The greatest spots to see whooper swans are from the Haeska and Keemu observation towers as well as the Haapsalu Promenade. The wintering whooper swans are most active around the coast of the Noarootsi Peninsula and Vormsi Island.

Western house martin

Western house martin

The Western house martin is a very common breeding bird and migratory bird in Lääne County. It nests wherever there are suitable eaves for making a nest. In Matsalu National Park, Western house martins nest in considerable numbers near Port Puise and Port Keemu. In autumn, between the end of August and the beginning of September, you can watch the countless Western house martin migrations from the Cape Puise observation platform.

White-tailed eagle

White-tailed eagle

The sea eagle is a bird of prey that is difficult to stay away from before leaving Matsalu or Haapsalu Bay. When you arrive at the bay and look at the larger rocks, you are likely to see a sea eagle sitting on one of them. In Matsalu, white-tailed eagles are commonly observed in Haeska, Keemu and Põgari as well as Haapsalu’s Tagalaht Bay and Saunja Bay inside the Silma Nature Reserve.
In winter, when the inner bays freeze, wintering white-tailed eagles in Lääne County head to coastal areas with open water and resting waterfowl.

White wagtail

White wagtail

The white wagtail is a widespread breeding bird in Lääne County as well as a common migrant. As an adaptable species, it may be found practically anywhere in Matsalu and other parts of Lääne County. However, it is most common in villages, where the structures provide plenty of nesting opportunities. Feeding birds are frequently spotted in beach meadows or along the coast.

Western yellow wagtail

Western yellow wagtail

The Western yellow wagtail is a breeding bird that may be found on Lääne County’s beaches and flood-meadows as well as on sea islands with reeds. It is also a common migratory bird along the coast. Western yellow wagtails can be spotted in Matsalu on the Penijõe hiking trail, at the Keemu and Haeska birdwatching towers, and around Cape Puise. Western yellow wagtails are also common along the shore of the Noarootsi Peninsula.
Migrating Western yellow wagtails can be found in huge numbers on Cape Puise and Cape Põõsaspea.

Water rail

Water rail

The water rail is a common breeding bird in Lääne County and an uncommon winterer. The water rail is a secretive reed bird that is difficult to see, but its voice can be heard in many places across Lääne County. Water rails can be heard in Matsalu from various observation towers, including Rannajõe and Penijõe. The greatest place to enjoy the water rail concert is from the bird towers of the Sutlepa Sea near Noarootsi.
During the winter months, water rails are often observed around the Haapsalu water treatment plant.



The whinchat is a common migratory and breeding bird in Lääne County. In Lääne County, it is primarily found in beach meadows with reeds and beach pastures with junipers and bushes. The whinchat also breeds in big numbers in the mosaic landscape, where bushes can be found in the fields.
The whinchat can be seen in Matsalu from late April until early September. They are a widespread bird species here and are commonly found around the Puise Peninsula, Penijõe hiking trail and Keemu Port. During the spring migration in early May, many whinchats stop in the Spithami village meadow, where dozens of them can be counted.